How to Choose Your Next Dentist

Choosing a dentist in Woodbridge, VA can seem like a daunting task. Taking an organized approach can help. If you need a new dentist in the Woodbridge, VA area, these tips can help.

Check Insurance

Dental insurance makes good dental care affordable. One of the first things to check when considering a dental office is whether they accept your dental insurance.

One way to find out if they accept your dental insurance is to call the office and ask. You may also be able to find out which dental offices in your area accept your insurance by calling your insurance company. Either way, this should be one of the first things you check.

Ask Friends and Family

Is the dental provider you’re considering good with patients? Does the dentist offer good patient care and a convenient scheduling process? Is the parking lot easy to access, and is the waiting area comfortable?

This is the kind of information you can find out by asking friends and family who have visited the dental office before. A good reference can help you decide which dental provider is right for you.

Know Their Services

It’s helpful to choose a dentist that offers a range of dental services, so you can get most of the services you need from one provider. Dentists that practice family dentistry services in Woodbridge, VA typically offer a range of services to meet the needs of their many patients. Look for a dental provider with a family dentistry practice.

Need a Dentist? Contact Us

If you need a dental provider, make Niles Dental your top choice. Call today to make an appointment.

5 Benefits of Routine Dental Checkups

Are you due for a dental checkup? If it has been over six months since you’ve seen the dentist, then it’s time to make an appointment with Niles Dental today! We’re happy to offer the most dependable dental checkups in Woodbridge, VA.

Keep reading to learn the 5 benefits of routine dental checkups.

Catch Problems Early

Dental issues can be extensive and expensive. This is especially true if you let a dental problem go untreated. When you visit your dentist for routine checkups, they can examine your teeth and gums and look for any areas of concern. This is a great way to catch dental issues early on before they become more serious.

Save Money

As dental checkups can prevent oral health issues, these appointments can save you tons of money. For example, leaving a cavity untreated can lead to needing root canal treatment, which is more costly and extensive than a filling.

Improved Dental Health

During a dental checkup, your dentist examines your teeth and gums and typically provides in-depth teeth cleaning. This can take your oral health to the next level!

Whiter Smile

Dental checkup appointments involve thorough teeth cleaning, flossing, and examining your entire mouth. By receiving this type of care every six months, your teeth can appear brighter and whiter!

They’re Affordable

Another advantage of routine dental checkups is that they’re cost-effective! In fact, these preventative visits are often fully covered by insurance, compared to other, more extensive treatments that are usually only partially covered.

Are you ready to experience exceptional dental health with a glowing smile? Contact Niles Dental today to get started! We offer dental checkups, fillings, root canal treatment, and more! Call us today to work with a leading dentist in Woodbridge, VA.

The Dangers of Childhood Thumb Sucking

So, your child sucks their thumb—what’s the big deal? Well, it’s a huge deal that could lead to lifelong problems for your child. But don’t worry, yourdentist in Woodbridge, VA, can help!

Childhood Thumb-Sucking is Normal Until It Isn’t

Childhood thumb-sucking is a natural reflex that children use to self-soothe themselves. In other words, thumb-sucking helps comfort your child. However, going on for too long could damage your child’s mouth and teeth.

The Dangers of Childhood Thumb Sucking

Most children will stop sucking their thumb after six months of age. And about 30 percent of children will continue to suck their thumb through preschool. However, if your child continues to suck their thumb after that, it could lead to serious and sometimes permanent damage.

For example:

  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Speech Impediments
  • Open Bite
  • Overbite
  • Social Impacts

How Your Dentist Can Help Stop Your Child’s Thumb Sucking

Your dentist has a variety of tools and techniques that can help stop your child’s thumb-sucking. For example, dentists frequently use a specially designed oral appliance called a tongue crib to stop thumb sucking. A tongue crib (along withearly pediatric dentistry in Woodbridge, VA) uses stiff wires that are placed in your child’s mouth that will obstruct them if they try to suck their thumb.

A tongue crib can be used if all other methods have failed. The tongue crib is extremely effective. And the results will benefit your child for the rest of their life.

Are You Looking for a Dentist in Woodbridge, VA?

If your child seems to have a thumb-sucking problem, pleaseContact Niles Dental today. Early intervention is the key to preserving your child’s dental health now and going forward. Let’s work together to ensure your child gets a happy, healthy, lifelong smile.

Important Questions to Ask the Dentist At Your Next Appointment

When you visit the dentist in Woodbridge, VA, you’ll have an opportunity to ask your dentist questions. Take this opportunity to learn more about how you can maintain healthy teeth and gums! Knowing what to ask is helpful, so we’ve written some questions that might get the conversation started.

1. Are My Teeth and Gums Healthy?

Most likely, your dentist will communicate with you about how healthy your teeth and gums are. However, asking may help the conversation along. Depending on your dentist’s response, you may feel prompted to ask follow-up questions. Don’t be afraid to speak up and learn more about the status of your oral health.

2. How’s My Oral Hygiene Routine Working?

Your dentist will be able to tell if you’re taking good care of your teeth and gums. By asking if you’re doing a good job brushing and flossing, you open the door for conversation about what could be improved. Your dentist may show you what you can do to brush your teeth better, or may mention where you’re missing places during your usual cleaning routine.

3. What Can I Do To Take Better Care of My Teeth and Gums?

Maybe you should buy an electric toothbrush, or perhaps you need to visit the dentist more frequently. Asking this question gives your dentist an opportunity to tell you what you can do to take better care of your teeth and gums. This will help you get started on the road to excellent oral hygiene.

Want to find out how you can improve your oral health? Call Niles Dental to make a dental appointment in Woodbridge, VA. Our dental professionals are waiting to help you.

When Wisdom Tooth Removal Is Needed and When It’s Not

Have you talked to your dentist in Woodbridge, VA, about your wisdom teeth? If your wisdom teeth are causing problems, your dentist will probably recommend you have them removed. However, there are times when wisdom tooth removal isn’t necessary. Let’s go over both.

When Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary

Here are some of the reasons your dentist might recommend wisdom tooth extraction in Woodbridge, VA.

  • Jaw Damage

Sometimes cysts will grow around your wisdom teeth; if they are not removed, they can damage your nerves and hollow out your jaw. In this case, your dentist will recommend having them removed.

  • Damage to Your Other Teeth

If your wisdom teeth don’t grow properly, they could cause bite problems and other oral pain.

  • Cavities

If the gums around your wisdom teeth swell, it could create pockets between your teeth. These pockets enable bacterial growth that could lead to cavities.

  • Alignment Issues

Impacted wisdom teeth will sometimes crowd your other teeth causing alignment problems. This will create the need to have your other teeth straightened. In this case, your Woodbridge, VA dentist will recommend wisdom tooth removal.

When Wisdom Tooth Removal Might Not Be Necessary

Here are a few instances when your dentist will probably tell you that leaving your wisdom teeth in place is OK.

  • If they are healthy.
  • If your wisdom teeth have grown in completely, and will probably not cause future problems.
  • If your wisdom teeth are positioned correctly and they are not causing any bite issues.

However, with that being said, some dentists think it’s best to remove your wisdom teeth regardless of whether they are causing problems. This is to ensure you don’t end up with wisdom teeth issues in the future.

Do You Need a Dentist in Woodbridge, VA?

If you need a dentist in Woodbridge, VA, please Contact Niles Dental today. We are a family practice and have a warm, welcoming, and relaxing environment. And we only use state-of-the-art cutting-edge technology to ensure you get the highest quality dental care available.

What’s Causing My Toothache? What Should I Do?

A toothache can be an upsetting and overwhelming problem, especially if the problem is severe. If you have a toothache, your dentist in Woodbridge, VA can help. Knowing the potential cause and when to seek help for your toothache will help you take the first step in getting treatment for this problem.

What Causes Toothaches?

Toothaches occur for many reasons. Sometimes you can tell whether you’re having a serious problem or a temporary inconvenience by the severity of your pain. Below are some of the reasons that toothaches can occur.

  • Cavity. A cavity is an area of decay in the tooth enamel. Cavities can cause minor to significant pain, depending on the severity of the problem. If you have a cavity, you may be able to see the spot on your tooth. Get help from a dentist.
  • Crack in the tooth enamel. A crack in the tooth enamel can cause intermittent pain as you bite down and consume things like cold drinks. A cracked tooth can lead to a problem like an infection down the road, so you should get treatment for this problem.
  • Minor injury to the area. You can cause a minor injury to your gums by chewing a piece of food that gets stuck between your teeth or under your gums. This type of pain is usually not severe and will go away on its own.
  • Infection. An infected tooth can cause a very unpleasant and persistent toothache. An infection in the tooth is a dental emergency.

How Can I Get Rid of My Toothache?

If you have a toothache, you may need a cavity filling or root canal therapy in Woodbridge, VA. Call Niles Dental to make an appointment and get treatment for the problem.