New Patient Special
We are always happy to welcome new patients to our dental family! For your first cleaning at our office, Dr. Niles and Dr. Niles -Smith are pleased to offer a new patient cleaning special for only $120. This will include four Bitewing x-rays, a cleaning and an exam. We can offer this if you have no insurance or would like to file your own insurance claim. Call us today at 703-494-4101 for details and to set up your visit with our dentists in Woodbridge, Virginia!
Teeth Whitening Special
Get 30% off all whitening procedures at Niles Dental! We invite you to call or visit our office today to learn more about this exciting offer and to discover how you can affordably achieve a brighter, whiter smile.
Free Whitening for Life
As an exceptional courtesy to our loyal patients, you may be eligible to join our free whitening for life program!
New Patient Evaluation Special
For $89 which includes a full mouth exam and bitewings.