How is a Tooth Extraction Done?

If you’ve learned that you need to have a tooth extraction in Woodbridge, VA for any reason, you may be worried about what the process entails.

When Are Tooth Extractions Needed?

The primary goal of your dentist is to save your natural teeth whenever possible. To that end, your dentist may offer you a range of restorative dental options. However, there are some instances where tooth extraction is either the only option left, or when a tooth or tooth needs to be extracted to make room for other teeth or for future orthodontic treatment.

How is a Tooth Extraction Done?

First, the dentist confirms that the tooth extraction is absolutely necessary. Then the dentist will discuss the procedure with you. They will never extract a tooth without your prior knowledge and permission.

Next, you’ll be given a local anesthetic. This will numb the area so you won’t feel pain. If you feel you need it and request it, you may be given sedation to help you to relax during the procedure. Sedation dentistry is gentle, and the effects wear off quickly after treatment.

In a simple in-office tooth extraction, the dentist may use what’s called an elevator tool to gently loosen the tooth from its socket. In many cases, the tooth is already quite loose; the dentist just needs to loosen it a bit more.

Next, the dentist uses dental forceps to grip and pull the tooth. All the while, the dentist is ensuring that the surrounding tissue is not being damaged. This is one of the biggest dangers that happens when people try to pull their own tooth at home, causing extensive damage to their own oral tissue.

Finally, the dentist will sterilize and pack the socket to minimize bleeding. Lastly, you’ll be provided after-care instructions and a follow-up visit for restorative dental treatment. For more information, contact your Woodbridge, VA dentist today.