How is a Tooth Extraction Done?

If you’ve learned that you need to have a tooth extraction in Woodbridge, VA for any reason, you may be worried about what the process entails.

When Are Tooth Extractions Needed?

The primary goal of your dentist is to save your natural teeth whenever possible. To that end, your dentist may offer you a range of restorative dental options. However, there are some instances where tooth extraction is either the only option left, or when a tooth or tooth needs to be extracted to make room for other teeth or for future orthodontic treatment.

How is a Tooth Extraction Done?

First, the dentist confirms that the tooth extraction is absolutely necessary. Then the dentist will discuss the procedure with you. They will never extract a tooth without your prior knowledge and permission.

Next, you’ll be given a local anesthetic. This will numb the area so you won’t feel pain. If you feel you need it and request it, you may be given sedation to help you to relax during the procedure. Sedation dentistry is gentle, and the effects wear off quickly after treatment.

In a simple in-office tooth extraction, the dentist may use what’s called an elevator tool to gently loosen the tooth from its socket. In many cases, the tooth is already quite loose; the dentist just needs to loosen it a bit more.

Next, the dentist uses dental forceps to grip and pull the tooth. All the while, the dentist is ensuring that the surrounding tissue is not being damaged. This is one of the biggest dangers that happens when people try to pull their own tooth at home, causing extensive damage to their own oral tissue.

Finally, the dentist will sterilize and pack the socket to minimize bleeding. Lastly, you’ll be provided after-care instructions and a follow-up visit for restorative dental treatment. For more information, contact your Woodbridge, VA dentist today.

Avoiding Unnecessary Tooth Extractions

Even though tooth extractions in Woodbridge, VA are one of the most common dental procedures, they are often avoidable with the proper intervention. Your natural teeth are incredibly valuable. Therefore, doing all you can to avoid unnecessary extraction is important.

Always Work with a Trusted Dentist

One of the most important things you can do to avoid unnecessary tooth extractions is to ensure you work with a trusted dentist. A qualified dentist will conduct thorough examinations, offer conservative treatment options, and provide personalized care to preserve your natural teeth whenever possible. A dentist who is not so concerned about tooth preservation may immediately recommend extraction when there are other options available.

Know Your Options for Dental Restorations

While a tooth may be in quite severe shape, modern dental technology allows for some amazing tooth-preservation options. For example, a tooth that is severely decayed can often be saved with a root canal and a crown to protect the tooth’s structure. When you work with the most qualified dentist, they will explain all the restoration options available so you don’t have to get the tooth extracted.

Be Attentive to Your Oral Health

The more attentive you are to your oral health, the more likely it will be that you negate oral health problems that can lead to needing an extraction. Oral hygiene habits at home are important, but routine checkups and teeth cleaning are also paramount to protecting your teeth. Closely monitoring your teeth with the help of regular checkups will ensure that any small issues with decay are addressed early.

Discuss Your Oral Health Concerns with a Woodbridge, VA Dentist

Do you have a tooth that you are concerned about losing? At Niles Dental, our Woodbridge dentist will make sure every avenue has been explored when it comes to preserving your natural teeth. Reach out to schedule an appointment.

How Long Will It Take to Recover from a Tooth Extraction?

The short answer is that it can take up to a few weeks (between 3 – 4) to fully recover from a tooth extraction in Woodbridge, VA. However, there’s a little more to the story than that. If you’re nervous about this procedure and its recovery time, educating yourself on this extremely common treatment can be the key to helping yourself prepare.

What to Know About Recovery

The most critical period, as you might imagine, is right after the tooth is extracted. If you need to have a tooth pulled, it’s likely because either the tooth is badly damaged or the gum isn’t strong enough to support it. Because of that, the recovery time depends on the dental health as well as the size of the tooth and its location.

An oral surgeon in Woodbridge will likely tell you to take up to three full days off to both relax and allow the area the chance to clot. It will take the soft tissue a few more days to heal, but you should be able to resume normal activities after 48 – 72 hours. You may not need to take time off work, though it will depend on how much physical activity is required at your job.

Find a Dentist in Woodbridge

A good dentist in Woodbridge can tell you more about how to recover faster from a tooth extraction, but more than that, they can help you feel calmer and more prepared both at the office and at home. The staff at Niles Dental understands that this can be a nerve-wracking time for some patients, which is why we’re dedicated to your comfort at every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our extraction procedures and recommendations.