Silver Or Tooth-Colored Fillings: Which One Should I Get?

A dental cavity can be a serious problem, but a dental filling can help. Your dentist in Woodbridge VA can help you decide which filling is right for you. In this article, we’ll go over the types of cavity fillings. Knowing the benefits of each can help you decide which type of filling is best for you.

What Is A Tooth-Colored Filling?

A tooth-colored filling, also called a composite filling, is made from composite resin material. Composite fillings are color-matched to your tooth enamel, so it’s impossible to see once it’s installed.

Tooth-colored fillings are preferred by some patients because they’re discrete, but composite fillings do not last as long as silver fillings. In addition, many dental insurance companies will not cover the cost of tooth-colored fillings. If you want a tooth-colored filling, you may need to pay for it yourself.

What Is a Silver Filling?

A silver filling, also known as an amalgam filling, is made of a combination of metals, including silver, tin, mercury, and copper. Silver fillings are silver at first but eventually darken to black. Silver fillings are less attractive than composite fillings, but they’re more durable.

Some people aren’t comfortable getting silver fillings because they contain mercury. Others prefer to avoid silver fillings because they’re less attractive than composite fillings.

Which Type of Filling Should I Get?

Your dentist can help you choose the best type of filling for you. Your dentist can help you weigh cost, durability, and appearance.

Want to know more about getting cavity fillings in Woodbridge, VA? Do you have a cavity and need a filling? Call today to make your next dental appointment.

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