Dental Bonding or Dental Veneers: Which One Should I Choose?
If you have teeth with cosmetic defects, then you may be searching for a way to cover those cosmetic problems. Your dentist in Woodbridge, VA, may suggest dental bonding or dental veneers. Both options can help you cover up cosmetic problems and improve the appearance of your teeth. Knowing the difference can help you decide which one is right for you.
What Is Dental Bonding?
Dental bonding is a tooth-colored composite resin material that’s attached to the teeth to cover up cosmetic problems. Dental bonding covers cracks, chips, gaps, discolorations, and more. Dental bonding is a temporary solution that only lasts a few years, then it chips off.
To install dental bonding, your dentist will roughen the surface of your teeth and then apply the composite resin. The dentist will use a light to cure the resin.
What Are Dental Veneers?
A dental veneer is a thin, tooth-shaped cover that your dentist installs over the front of your tooth. Dental veneers are often made of porcelain and can last for a long time. Like bonding, dental veneers can cover cracks, chips, gaps, discolorations, and more.
Dental veneers are considered a permanent solution to a cosmetic problem, because once a veneer has been installed, you must always have dental veneers.
To install dental veneers, your dentist must shave off part of your tooth. Then, the dentist will apply the dental veneer with an adhesive.
Which One Should I Choose?
Although your dentist can’t tell you which option to choose, your dentist can answer your questions to help make your decision easier. For help deciding between dental veneers and dental bonding in Woodbridge, VA, call your dentist at Niles Dental.