Entries by DHP Dental

6 Signs of Poor Oral Hygiene and What You Should Do

Poor oral health and hygiene can cause many problems. Knowing the signs can help you determine when it’s time to get help from your dentist in Woodbridge VA. At Niles Dental, we provide a range of services to help our patients maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you have periodontal disease, get treatment from a dentist […]

Do I Need Sedation Dentistry?

Do you feel nervous when you visit the dentist in Woodbridge, VA? Do your feelings of nervousness prevent you from making dental appointments as much as you should, or do you feel a little panicky while you’re at the dentist? If so, you may be a good candidate for sedation dentistry. Your dentist at Niles Dental […]

How Can Pregnancy Change My Oral Health?

During pregnancy, your body undergoes a variety of changes. Many of these changes are well-known, including hormone shifts, morning sickness, changes in appetite, and others. One thing that isn’t as well known is that many pregnant women experience changes in their oral health. Your dentist in Woodbridge, VA, can help you navigate these changes. Pregnancy and […]