Ways To Maintain Your Child’s Oral Health During the School Year

School takes a lot of time out of your child’s day, making everything at night rushed and busy. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how important dental care is during the school year.

Your child’s dentist in Woodbridge, VA can help. At Niles Dental, we’re a resource for parents caring for their child’s teeth. Here’s what you can do to manage your child’s oral health during the school year.

Choose Sugar-Free Snacks When Possible

Sugar causes cavities and can lead to serious dental problems. One thing you can do to prevent these problems is to choose sugar-free snacks for your child’s lunchbox. Nuts, cheese, peanut butter crackers, boiled eggs, and sunflower seeds are all good examples of foods that can help your child maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Keep Up With Toothbrushing

It’s easy to let toothbrushing fall by the wayside during the school year. Don’t let that happen! Keep up with toothbrushing. If you brush your child’s teeth, do it nightly at the same time (so you won’t forget). If your child brushes their teeth, follow up with them to ensure they got the job done when they were supposed to.

Some other toothbrushing tips include:

Be sure to brush their teeth for two minutes each time (or give them a timer so they can do this themselves).

Change their toothbrush every three months.

Schedule Your Child’s Regular Dental Appointment

Stay current with your child’s pediatric dental exams in Woodbridge, VA. Call Niles Dental today to schedule your child’s next dental exam.