Determining If You Are a Good Candidate for Dental Veneers

For some patients, dental veneers in Woodbridge, VA make the most ideal choice when it comes to aesthetic smile improvement. However, this cosmetic dentistry treatment is not the best choice for all patients or even all aesthetic concerns. Take a look at a few things the dentist will consider when deciding if veneers are right for you.

How is your overall oral health?

Veneers are the best choice for a patient who has relatively good oral health. Veneers work well for covering stains or addressing shape and size concerns. However, they cannot be used to conceal something like untreated decay and they are not the best option for individuals with some levels of gum disease or issues with enamel erosion.

What issues are you looking to address?

For the most part, dental veneers are best for addressing mild to moderate aesthetic issues, such as:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Discolored or stained teeth
  • Misaligned or uneven teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Worn down teeth
  • Irregularly shaped teeth
  • Slightly crooked teeth

Are you looking for long-term improvements?

Veneers typically last between 7 to 15 years, depending on factors such as oral hygiene, the type of veneers you choose to have installed, and lifestyle and oral hygiene habits. With proper care, including regular dental check-ups and avoiding harmful foods, they can maintain their appearance and function for many years.

Schedule a Consultation with a Woodbridge, VA Dentist

If you have issues with your smile that you want to address, it is best to start with a thorough consultation with a cosmetic dentist in Woodbridge, VA. For example, at Niles Dental, we will do a thorough evaluation and then make recommendations about the best options for your budget, preferences, and concerns. Contact our office to schedule your consultation today.

Should You Consider Dental Veneers?

One of the fastest and easiest ways to improve your smile is withdental veneers in Woodbridge, VA. Dental veneers are appropriate for covering up a multitude of minor teeth imperfections, which is why they remain a popular cosmetic dentistry option. If you’ve been thinking about getting veneers, contact your dentist at Niles Dental to learn more.

Who Are Dental Veneers For?

In the distant past, dental veneers were brand new and cost-prohibitive, so typically only celebrities and movie stars got them. However, as time has gone on, dental veneers are readily available, and more people are familiar with their benefits. The fact is, anyone can be a good candidate for dental veneers, providing that there are no serious underlying oral health problems. And even if there are, those can be treated, and then your dentist can apply the dental veneers afterward to finish off your beautiful new look!

Why Get Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are ideal for a range of mild issues, including:

  • permanent stains that don’t respond to professional whitening
  • too small teeth
  • misshapen teeth
  • gaps in between teeth
  • generally unattractive teeth

When you get dental veneers, these problems and others are covered up. You’re left with a beautiful smile that others will admire and that you’ll feel confident showing off.

Another reason to get dental veneers is that they are minimally invasive. Unlike some other treatments, dental veneers don’t require surgery or invasive procedures. You can get them in one day and walk out of the dentist’s office with a brand new smile.

Finally, you should consider dental veneers because they are a fast and easy way to improve your whole look. If you want to look your best, start with your smile. Start with veneers!

For more information, or to start the process for getting dental veneers, contact yourWoodbridge, VA dentist at Nile Dental. You’ll be glad you did!

What Can Dental Veneers Fix?

There’s a reason why so many of our patients are choosing to getdental veneers in Woodbridge, VA. Dental veneers are a transformative cosmetic dentistry solution, offering a quick and easy way to improve your smile in a very short time. If you’re curious about dental veneers, here is some information about what kinds of dental problems dental veneers can fix.


Many people have professional teeth whitening, because whiter teeth indicates overall good health and makes a person look more attractive. But sometimes even professional teeth whitening can’t get rid of discoloration. Things like nicotine use and prescription medication can permanently stain teeth. But with dental veneers, all that discoloration gets covered up, so all anyone sees are bright and shiny teeth.

Chips and Cracks

Over time, teeth can develop chips and cracks that are unsightly. As long as the chips and cracks don’t negatively impact the function of your teeth, there’s no reason to worry about it, except for the unsightly appearance they can cause. Dental veneers cover these minor imperfections, restoring the natural shape and look of your teeth.


You may have a small gap in the middle of your two front teeth, or your teeth may be naturally positioned with tiny gaps in between each one. Dental veneers can be fashioned to hide those gaps, so you appear to have no space in between teeth.

Misaligned Teeth

Not everyone has perfectly aligned teeth, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with misalignment. Veneers can be use to give a better shape and alignment appearance to teeth that are slightly crooked or uneven. This is particularly beneficial for those who prefer not to undergo orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners.

Are you ready to completely transform your smile with dental veneers? Contact yourWoodbridge, VA dentist today to book your appointment to get started!

What Are Dental Veneers? How Can They Help Me?

Are your teeth stained, uneven or maybe shaped a little funny? You may be a good candidate for dental veneer installation! Your dentist in Woodbridge, VA can help you decide if this cosmetic dentistry procedure is right for you. Below are some of the questions that patients often ask about veneers – read on to learn more.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are a tooth-shaped cover placed on the front of the teeth to hide imperfections like chips, stains and gaps in the teeth. Dental veneers are a cosmetic tool that can be used to make the teeth appear to be more evenly spaced, whiter and more flawless.

Who benefits from dental veneers?

If you have minor cosmetic defects in your teeth, such as stains that will not go away and gaps between your teeth, then you may benefit from dental veneers. If your teeth are unusually small, or if you have a “gummy” smile, you may also benefit from dental veneers.

How are dental veneers installed?

The installation process depends on what the veneer is made of. To install a porcelain dental veneer, for example, your dentist will first shave down some of the enamel on the front of your tooth. Next, the dentist will cement the veneer into place. Other types of veneers, composite veneers, are applied to the tooth enamel after the front of the tooth is etched in preparation.

How long do dental veneers last?

How long your veneers will last depends on what they’re made of. Porcelain veneers can last 10 to 15 years, while composites may only last 5 to 7. Want to know more about dential veneers in Woodbridge, VA? Call your dentist at Niles Dental to make an appointment and get answers to your questions.
